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AI Saviour or Destroyer of Human life.


The Human life begined around approximately 2 lakh years ago, few scientist beleive 3 lakh years ago. The Human body is made up of atoms which very minute particle, each part of the Human is unique and has its importance. During olden days Human brain was powerful but intelligence was little bit weak. At present Human population is more intelligence more compare to olden Human beings. 

      The environment, requirements and struggle remain common today and past. Human body changed a lot due to mutation. Mutation theory wad discovered by scientist Charles Darwin, where in this whole universe especially on earth the change in chromosome of every creature will be always true and proven by Darwin. The theory of mutation wad hence proved.

    The Human brain has capacity of 4TB of data storage but at present situation changed due to mutation, only few MB of data is storing in brain. To overcome this problem and apply more human physical power rather than metal power is more effective. Human emotions and normal imaginative that is cognitive programmed Robot where developed which almost every large manufacturing companies deployed these Robots, but Humans are so smart that now using software main power tool and hence what human brain thinks more than 50 times more faster thinking software is developed using certain programming languages based on human requirement. 

    Now these Robots are very smart enough that human brain and physical power become weak and more importance given to these Robots or AI software, where AI  stands for Artificial Intelligence. AI is future of Human being, thus it is clear that how much AI is Saviour that much destroyer too. Because of this Human life is faster but Human being becomes lazy.

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