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Laziest countries in the world


It is said that laziness is the greatest enemy of man. When laziness sets in, we cannot strive as hard as we should to achieve our dreams. Stanford University researchers in California conducted a study on lazy people around the world. Accordingly, it became clear that Indonesia is the leader among the world's laziest countries.

In this study, researchers tested more than 7 lakh people in 46 countries. This conclusion was drawn from this. The report of this research has been published in Nature General. India ranks ninth in the list. This report was made based on how much the citizens of different countries walk every day, how much their physical activity is, how their lifestyle is.


 Indonesian citizens are not very good at this. It was concluded from this report. Statistics show that they walk an average of only 3513 steps here every day. Saudi Arabia is at the second position in this ranking of countries. Citizens here walk 3807 steps every day. Malaysians, who come third, walk only 3,963 steps a day.


  There is very less people walking here. It was found that Filipinos followed by 4008, South Africans 4105, Egyptians 4315, and Brazilians 4289 steps per day. Mexicans walk an average of 4,692 steps per day. America, which is considered as a superpower, is also one of the lazy countries. Its citizens walk only 4774 steps per day. The report states that walking around 8,000 to 10,000 steps per day should be enough to reduce our laziness.

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