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Why Jivati Worshiped in the Shravan month in India.


Jivati ​​should be worshiped on the four Fridays of Shravan. This puja is considered to protect offspring. Jivati's kakad on the day which falls at the beginning of the month of Shravan (eg Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), the Deoghar includes Lababa, Jivati ​​in image or leaf, Narasimha, Kaliamardan Krishna, child-playing Jara-Jivika and Mercury Brihaspati (Guru). They are worshiped in this order.

     Narasimha, the fourth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, appeared to his baby devotee. Lord Narasimha is worshiped as the protector of children and the deity incarnated for the child devotee with the original purpose of protecting Bal Prahlada from Hiranyakashypu i.e. the gods. Nag and Gopalkrishna of are considered to be worshiped deities in Shravan. Talking about the Kaliamardana incident, in this incident Krishna and his friends were playing when their ball fell into the river Yamuna and Krishna brought it back. Krishna removed the bad situation from the children who were playing in the garden and ordered Kalia to go away. Krishna is worshiped here as Kaliamardan, who saves from reptiles, gives shelter to animals, saves children from bad situations while playing.

      There is a deity of this Yaksha family and according to a story about Yakshini in Mahabharata, Magadha King Brihadarath has two queens. But the king who loved both the queens had no children. Meanwhile, when the king learns that Rishi Chandakushik has come to the grove near the city, the king takes darshan of him and expresses his concern. The sage asks the king to feed the queen with mango as prasad. As the king loves both the queens equally, the king divides the mango equally and gives it to the queens, eventually both the queens have sons but only half.

   Such strange and partial mica is taken by the king to the forest. At the same time, a yakshini named Zara passes by and takes the two pieces of mica in her hands and joins them together as best she can with the art of joining her limbs. Jara brings that mixed mica to King Briddaratha at Sandhyasamaya. The king named him Jarasangha because he was born by a yakshini. Jara built a shrine in the city for the favor of the Yakshini and gave her the heart of the favored deity of Magadha. In the same way, this Jara Devi starts the annual festival of Jara Devi.

   A friend of Jars word Jivika is a corruption of Jivati. Life-giving means giving long life of the child this goddess is worshiped for long life. The goddess is depicted holding and playing around with children. Mercury is seated on an elephant and holds a rein in his hand. While Brihaspati (Guru) is shown sitting on a tiger and holding a whip in his hand of Mercury by influence the native gets qualities like genius, attractive personality, eloquence. Whereas the influence of Jupiter awakens educational progress, spiritual upliftment, conscience. The vehicle of Mercury is the elephant and the elephant is a symbol of frenzy. 

    The image of Mercury shows that the frenzy of the human mind should be curbed by our intelligence and personality. Tiger is the vehicle of Jupiter and it is the symbol of ego. Human mind is quickly affected by ego which can hinder human progress and spiritual development. The image of Jupiter teaches us that we should gain control over it with the blessings of knowledge and grace. That is why Mercury Jupiter also got a place in the image of Jivati. This order of Jivati ​​image is first the protector deity, then the deity who protects the child and long life and then the planetary deity that influences the personality.

Jare Jivantike Devi Balayukte Pramodini.

Rakshavrate Mahashakti shows full works.

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