All India Job opening, RRC, NTPC, DRDO, Indian Post, UIIC.
The Job opening in different sectors updated below. United India Insurance Company Limited (UIIC), this company is insurance based, where its headquarters located in Tamilnadu. This insurance company started on 18 February 1938. New Job opening in this company has been mentioned in their company website , you can get detailed information regarding vacancies. Position is Administrative officer, Qualification will Any Degree, Total number of posts are 250. Start date 8/1/2024 and last date of application 23/1/2024.
National Thermal Power Corporation of India has job opening in different positions, The main function of NTPC company is generation and distribution the electricity all over the country. The NTPC has the capacity of generation electricity of 71000 MW. NTPC run around 50 power stations in India. The NTPC formed in year 1975. Position is Medical Officer, Qualification required is MBBS, Start date 9/1/2024 last date 24/1/2024. Total number of posts are 61.
Projects and Development India Limited (PDIL) its a company develops the oil and gas. The PDIL has ownership of Chemical and Fertilizer. The company PDIL formed in year 1951, The main office is in Jharkhand. PDIL has plenty projects regarding fertilizer development, chemical products development, Gas and Oil development, the Sindri small city located in Jharkhand state. Sindri has plant of oil and Gas generation unit. PDIL having job opening in Engineering field. Qualification required is Any Degree, Position is Engineer, Total number of posts are 70, Start date of application 9/1/2024 and last date is 17/1/2024.
Oil India limited, the OIL company produces Natural Gas, cruid Oil and even production of LPG( Liquidfied Petrolium Gas). The main office of OIL located 8n Assam, This OIL company established in the year 1959, Indian Government announced few job opening in OIL company, you can have detail information through website. Position is Superintendent engineer, Qualification required is Any Degree, Total number of posts are 102. Start date 9/1/2024 and last date 29/1/2024.
Indian Post job opening in position Driver, Qualification 10 standard, Start date 8/1/2024 and last date 16/2/2024.
DRDO ( Defence Research and Development Organization) has job vacancies in position ITI Apprenticeship, Qualification is ITI, Total posts are 60. Start date 8/1/2024 and last date 27/1/2024.
Railways Recruitment Cell( RRC) job opening in position is Apprentice, Qualification 10 standard, Total post 1646. Start date 8/1/2024 and last 10/2/2024.
Thane Municipal Corporation, position required is clerk, Technician. Qualification ITI, Degree. Total posts are 118, start date 9/1/2024 and last date 19/1/2024.
National Health Mission(NHM) job opening in position specialist Officer, Qualification required is Degree. Total posts are 90, start date 8/1/2024 and last date 19/1/2024
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