10 lakhs costing Drone blocked in Red zone.
In New Delhi Ujawa Agriculture manufactures Drone for local farmers. This Drone is big and heavy and having capable of lifting heavy material. This Drone showers the fertilizer medicines and watering to crops in Agriculture field. The Airport Authority of India (AAI) given permission to sell and buy this Drone. If this Drone passes all above work then AAI give permission to manufacture more number of Drones. THE AAI giving stress to produce smart Drones. For this farmers need to show interest, proper guidelines will be provided by company member of Drone. India's AAI having 10 centers all over the country. With help of these 10 center farmers are able take help guidelines for Drone usage. Drone which are bit costly, Indian Government provides subsidy to farmers, by March 2024 farmers will able to buy Drones. The Indira Gandhi International Authority ( IGIA) in which Indian Airforce and Airport near farmers Agriculture field, the radar of these airport will comes in contact of to the Drone, which is Drone are entering Red zone for this as of now drones flying permission not given by AAI.
The ATC of airport have give request notice to Drones user, place for fly the Drones above 15km away from airport station. There fore total 42 village near by New Delhi. Drones are having different sizes, more bigger size more amount of fertilizer and water carried out. Red zone actually called as ATC's surrounding place which 15 to 20 km in radius, the aeroplane or foreign body will tracked by ATC people, if any flying body such planes,Drone, Jets etc comes under 15km in range it will called Red zone to station. ATC will gives the information particular aeroplane by its code of tracking, to avoid accident in air these drones are banned by AAI. Soon AAI and Airport Authority officer will discuss for Drone usage to Farmers.
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