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Khalistan people disturbing Hindu religion in USA.

 In America Khalistan people disturbing Hindu temple. The USA's California State in which Hindu Swami Narayan temple located, The Khalistan people disturbed the Narayan temple and written wall of the temple regarding Narendra Modi and abusing words about Hindu religion. The General "Singh" the leader of Khalistan was appreciated by Khalistan people. The fight between Khalistan and Hindu people in USA's California place on 4th January 2024. This quarrel was recorded by a local man near to temple, He said that Khalistan people written disgusting words about Hindu culture and religion and can beat the Hindu people and also some antisocial insulting words. 

      The temple authority person Mr Raghav Rawal was shocked about these abusing words written by Khalistan people. Mr Rawal said that this is isult to Hindu community and Indian culture. The Newark's city police said that don't worry about Khalistan, we will take care about this situation and also we will fight against Khalistan people to save Hindu people and even culture, also we will soon invesgate quarrel between Hindu and Khalistan people. The police  officer under investigation about this issue. The North American Hindu's were suffering from injustice due to Khalistan people,  we will take action regarding this issue they said. Also said the we do respect Hindu religion and Indian culture. 

  The temple and other Hindu Housing Society will be provided security they added. The foreign minister of India Mr Jayshankar said that its very serious issue in which Khalistan disturbing and quarreling with Hindu people and abusing and writting unwanted things on walls of temple, this will not acceptable they added. Strict punishment to these antisocial people need to be taken. This situation was already experienced by the Canada and Australia people recently. The USA regime said will take care Hindu people and culture. The Vishwa Hindu Parishad leader Vinod Bansal said that Hindu people living in USA and Canada or any part of world the injustice and isult of Hindu religion will not be accepted.

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