Biomedical and Medical awareness, WHO will provide training to avoid new dieseas.
Biotechnology has grown in all most medicines, medical equipment, digital scanning. Biotechnology divided into subgroups, one is fertilizer and medicines manufacturing , second one is biomedical equipment such as wheel chair, hospital bed, surgery equipment and many more.
Biomedical has developed a lot, initial olden days equipment were less so least people used to use the Biomedical equipment but now biomedical has new branch in medical and engineering field for medical equipment. Cardiogram process of monitoring heart activity such as heart beat, blood pressure, heart electric activities. The measurements and activity of heart can be done electro rodes where placed on hand palm.
The electrodes converts analog sound and vibration signal from our body and converted into digital, to display measurements on monitor or display unit where we can get information regarding heart beat and even blood pressure. WHO giving information to all over the world, new training about Biotechnology work is planned by WHO medical officer, different country their respective health minister have meeting regarding Bio manufacture , these include medicines tablets and tonic liquid, these medicines has categories, that means what kind of dieseas one suffering WHO's Dr Dong and Indian government have collaboration to give training about Biotechnology.
Vaccine manufacturing with training, different states has its own vaccine production. The Bio manufacturing in India collaboration with Korea. The Republic of Korea mainly concentrating on cancer vaccination, because Cancer patients are increased more globally, even vaccine production of diabetes, ENT(Ear Nose and Tongue) , insulin. These all production require proper management and produced medicine then sold out to genuine Bio manufacturing companies even pharmacy factories too.
The important moto of all biomedical product manufacturers is to deliver the good product and patient satisfaction, if we want new vaccine need to launch proper study regarding particular dieseas need to done hence biomedical product will be more in market to launch.
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