Colic dieseas in infants symptoms, Doctor consultation, Treatment.
Infants are suffering deadly dieseas symptoms now a days, many more cases and disorder are seen newly born babies, even 6 months to 2 years old babies are more percent of disorders seen.
There are lot of genetic changes seen in babies, root cause will 99% unknown , probable study about chromosomes gives the clear picture about genetic changes in adults. Let us consider one of the disorder or dieseas.
Colic disease is caused first month of birth of baby, babies with Colic dieseas will always crying with no reason, this makes parents little bit angry behaviour because baby cries continuosly. The colic may continue upto 2 months and maximum goes upto 4 months even, then stops colic in infants.
The infants suffering from colic will cries day and night and this is continued daily, few infants seen which will cries without stopping in single minute, more crying can causes aerophgia which results in chest pain, body ache. Constipation which makes digestive system mall functions due to which stomach ache seen and also gas generation in stomach tales place and degestion will disturbed due to which infants suffers stomach pain.
Ear infection, hair loss , urine infection, diarrhea, cough, respiratory problems also major symptoms seen. Treatment of Colic involves parents understanding the infants crying, help infant feed well, usually infants which crying continuosly parents play with them to make laugh, even play music, melody sound, monkey enact. Doctor consultation helps a lot to improve colic, proper medication to infants by doctors will reduces the colic problematic causes.
The medication will depends what type of symptoms and causes seen after testing about colic. After treatment it can be reduced and hence baby start smiling. Pharma companies developed lot of different specific medicine which cured the colic easily.
Proper dosage to infants will reduce colic dieseas, hence dieseas controlled and infants feel happy and start smiling. Make drink plenty of water to infants which helps body water level well maintained and remain healthy.
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