Job openings Railways- 9000 , Banks- 2000 and Defence- 260 vacancies
Indian National and State regime of India has different job opportunity all over the country. Let us have quick look which all vacancies are available. Bank and Defence sector are major job opportunities.
In Banking IDBI bank has jobs opening Assistant Manager, Qualification required Degree, Total posts are 500, Application start date 7/2/2024 last date 26/2/2024.
Union Bank job opportunities for Special Officer, Qualification required Degree, CA, ICWA. Total posts are 606, start date 5/2/2024 last date 25/2/2024.
Punjab National Bank job opening for officer, total posts 1025, Qualification required Degree,ICWA, start date 5/2/2024 last date 25/2/2024
ISRO Indian space research organisation which is developed to study space research. Job opening for Assistant Technician, Total posts- 220, qualification required Degree and Diploma, start date 10/2/2024 and last date 1/3/2024.
Indian Costal Guard job opening for Assistant Commandant, total posts 70 , qualification required Degree, start date 12/2/2024 to 28/2/2024. In same department Navik vacancies are 260, qualification is 10th ,12th standard, start date 5/2/2024 to 27/2/2024
Bharat Dynamics limited required Project officers, total posts 361, qualification CA, ICWA, Degree. Start date 25/1/2024 to 14/2/2024.
Railway recruitment board available jobs opening total posts 9000, position required Technician, qualification ITI, start date 1/2/2024 to 8/4/2024
Jharkhand Staff Selection commission(JSSC) requirement for pharmacist, lab technician, total posts are 3000, qualification 12th standard, start date 1/1/2024 to 22/2/2024. And even in Civil service in JPSC(Jharkhand Public Service Commission) total posts 340, Qualification Degree, start date 29/1/2024 to 29/2/2024
Jharkhand staff selection commission ( JSSC) also requirement for Constable . Total posts 4900, qualification 10th standard, start date 20/12/2023 to 21/2/2024.
Karnataka Urban Water Supply requirement for Account Assistant, Assistant Engineer, Qualification B.Com, B Tech, start date 6/2/2024 to 10/3/2024.
Ex-servicemen Contributory Health scheme(ECHS) retired military officers and jawans hospital staff that is Medical officer, total posts 130, Qualification Degree in Medical field, Start date 25/1/2024 to 10/2/2024.
Directorate of Forensic Science of laboratories Maharashtra requirement for lab assistant, scientific officer, total posts 125, qualification Degree, start date 8/2/2024 to 27/2/2024
Public Health Department Maharashtra has requirement for Medical officer, Qualification MBBS and BAMS, total posts 1720, start date 1/2/2024 to 15/2/2024
Tamil Nadu Municipal Administration and water supply department has requirement for Assistant Engineer, Qualification Degree, Total posts 1930, start date 3/2/2024 to 12/3/2024.
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