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Jaundice causes, symptoms and treatment.

 Every creature on Earth are different is size,shape, colour, weight, height etc. In that Humans are considered to social, means He or She can have emotions, happiness and imagination power is high compare to other other creature or animal, for this humans are called social animal. In this fast moving world human have forgotten how to take care of health, in human life he can buy everything in this world except health. 

    Health cannot be buyed or sold to anyone, it is gained only maintaining proper diet having good non toxic food, proper exercise can be maintained health in good condition but due to heavy work and pressure about work for this the different diseases and even due to toxic food deadly disease formed. Human diseases have increased exponentially in past 2 decades latest consider jaundice one of the liver disease well liver functionality stopped due to which taste buds will stop working. 

    Liver plays multi roll is blood filtering, food tasting sensitivity, sugar level in blood. Jaundice is mainly caused due to increase in Bilirubin in blood, as blood circulation in body with help of viens and heart which pumps the blood to supply all the parts of body cells energised and healthy, while blood circulation few Red blood cells are broken and hence releasing the pigment of broken blood cells is called Bilirubin, where damaged blood cells Bilirubin formed due to mall function of liver hence this proves that increase in Bilirubin in blood causes Jaundice, skin, eyes and urine become yellowish in colour.

    Bilirubin while filtering blood in to liver will taken in to kidney and bloodish yellow urine formation takes place. Almost every cells and other organs will affected and become yellowish in colour. Its symptoms are Eye yellowishness, Body pain, fatigue, wieght loss, abdomen pain, vomiting, yellowish urine, itchiness, fever. If we delay in treatment of Jaundice can cause brain cells damage even brain nervous system connected on above backbone will also damaged, also sensing power reduced by brain. 

   The Bilirubin normal level in adults is 1 milligrams per deciliter, it means 1 mg/dl. If the Bilirubin increases above 3 mg/ dl  then 100% it is said as adult is suffering from Jaundice. Treatment of Jaundice depends severity of Bilirubin blood level based on that doctors will give medicines, during medicine course some side effects are seen which other organs or blood or any cells functionality will affected but it can be slower down by having good nutritional food such as fruits, dry fruits, milk products such as buttermilk ,curd must be taken daily. 

    Regular exercise and yoga with guidence healthy body can maintained well. Always drink plenty of water , in 24 hours atleast 2 to 3 liters of water need drink daily. The prevention is better than cure to avoid to cause Jaundice avoid unhealthy food, outside street food, alcohol consumption, ignoring exercise and toxic cold drinks.

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