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Train loco pilot watching online cricket on mobile phone caused accident.


Two Loco pilots violated driving rules while driving train, as they were watching online cricket match on the mobile which was going from Visakhapatnam to Rayagada. This accident took place in Andhra Pradesh Vijayanagar district list of the railway minister Ashwini Vaishnav safe it's shame on railway department sachiv nonsense activity done by railway train loco pilot he added. 

   Further said that extra discipline training need to be given to all the loco pilots so that this kind of activity cannot be seen and can be avoided issues, hence train smoothly driven without any issues. This train accident results 14 members death. 

   In last year since there was no any accident but before that last year Coromandal express crashed derailed and caused 296 people death and 1200 serious injured. The rail minister Vaishnav said a new technology system is going to install into the loco pilot's cabin to detect what activity and to check how they  driving the train. 

  He again said that there should not be any single such issues as happened now. The negligence of pilot train collided with vishakapatnam palasa train. Rayagada train pilot and his assistant and even guard of train were killed during the accident. Around 50 passenger were injured. The railway department learnt big lesson by such case regarding accident which causing fatal deaths. 

   The accident investigation shows that pilots violated the rules and without following line signal by the railway station master, at the same time few passenger felt train brakes were applied at the time of collision.  The train speed was 70 kmph, train minister added that in last two lot of negligence are seen by railway department, now he who will not follow the rules and regulations he she will be suspended on the spot with out fail he said. Now tough rules and regulations are going diploid so that these kind of accident should not be happen again.

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