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Career for Physically Challenge People.


A variety of expertise is needed to make a disabled or disabled person self-reliant and empowered. These experts empower persons with disabilities to meet the challenges of society. Today according to a research, more than 1.82 lakh persons with disabilities in the country need a specialist or helper. This shows the scope of the field of disability rehabilitation. A person with a physical or mental handicap is called a handicapped or handicapped person.


Disability or disability can be of many types. Blind, visually impaired, leprosy cured, deaf, disabled, locomotor impaired, psychotic, mentally retarded, cerebral palsy, multiple disabilities, autism (retarded) need constant support. To make them self-reliant and to educate them, many types of experts are needed. Hence efforts are made on a war footing to bring them into the mainstream. Leaving them in the wind can worsen their condition different. As a result, they faced difficulties have to face. So experts and Handicapped, handicapped persons on the basis of assistance.


It is possible to make life bearable. In this expert Special Teacher Audiologist Speech Career opportunities in the field of disability Diploma in Psychology, Rehabilitation Therapy, Hearing, Language and Speech Degree Course: Bachelor of Special Education, Bachelor of Mental Vata Retardation, B.Sc. in Speech and Hearing, Bachelor in Audiology, Speech and Language Pathology, Bachelor in Physiotherapy, Bachelor in Occupation Therapy. Post Graduate Courses: Master in Audiology, Speech and Language Pathology, Master in Physiotherapy, Master in Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Orthogists, Clinical Psychologists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Orthodontists and Prosthetists are mainly disabled and disabled rehabilitation specialists and specialists. E.g. Remember Aamir Khan's role as Nikumbh Sir in the movie Taare Zameen Par. Every disabled and a person with a disability has different needs. Management has to adopt different strategies to protect them from the situation. For example, a deaf mute needs to use sign language, a blind person needs the help of Braille. Thus different courses are needed to train differently abled persons.

Indian Revival Council (RCI) has approved more than 600 institutions in the country to offer courses related to Disability Rehabilitation Science. These institutes offer certificates, diplomas, PG in the field of handicapped and disabled rehabilitation. Conducts courses like Diploma, Graduate, Post Graduate and M.Phil. There are about 60 types of recognized courses related to disability and disability rehabilitation courses across the country. Many institutes conduct special courses for the mentally retarded, Cerebral Palsy, Diff, Blindness, Deafness, Mute, Learning Disabilities, Psychopaths, Multiple Disabilities and Visually Impaired.Therapy post graduate Diploma Courses: Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology, Post Graduate and Diploma in Disability Rehabilitation etc. can be mentioned.

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